
Australias Live Sheep Export Program

The live export of sheep is an important global practice that ensures countries that are unable to rear their own livestock can provide their local communities and families with access to fresh protein. Live sheep exports are often required due to lack of infrastructure, land mass or agricultural expertise.Often, live animals are preferred due to traditional customs, a high confidence in the quality of freshly processed Nine Eagles 270A meat or a lack of refrigeration. Many countries also import chilled or frozen meat which is primarily used in high end restaurants or hotels, whilst live animals are in strong demand by local communities. Livestock exports are complementary to chilled and frozen product as they serve two very distinct markets.Live sheep export is important to many Australian farmers who rely on sheep exporting as part of their production mix. Live export offers producers an alternative market for their livestock, and producers may supply both the domestic and the sheep export markets. In this way, sheep iphone 4 lcd screen export Australia underpins the domestic sheep market, helping to keep it strong and viable for producers.Most of the Australian live sheep exports are sourced from Western Australia and exported from the Port of Fremantle. Australia sends the majority of its live sheep exports to the Middle East, with Kuwait its biggest customer, followed by Bahrain, Jordan and Qatar. Other countries who demand live sheep exports from Australia include Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.During 2009/10, Kuwait imported 953,587 sheep, representing 31.17% of Australia’s total sheep exports and with a value of $85.5 million. Bahrain imported 597,983 sheep worth $55.1 million Syma S031 Landing skid and Jordan 446,928 sheep worth $39.2 million. Increased volumes were also delivered to Qatar – up almost 18% to 389,751.Overall, whilst Middle Eastern demand for live sheep exports remained high, sheep exports from Australia decreased in 2009/10 by 1 million head due to a reduction in supply. The limited domestic sheep flock restricted livestock availability resulting in 3,059, 687 sheep exported from Australia, earning $297.8 million over the year.Australian live sheep are recognised for their high quality and disease free status and are in high demand in the Middle East region, particularly during the religious festival period. The Australian industry works closely with its Middle Eastern live sheep export partners to ensure the welfare of exported sheep is a priority.The Australian live export industry invests money in its Middle Eastern sheep export markets to improve animal welfare including improving infrastructure, training local stockmen how to work with Australian sheep. Industry also implements targeted programs to improve animal welfare such as the In the ute, not the boot initiative which educates local people on how to properly transport livestock.Exporting live sheep from Australia is regulated by Australian Government standards and legislation to ensure sheep exports operate to the highest animal welfare standard in the world. Sheep exporting requires an export license and adherence to the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock. Live sheep exports are monitored by the Australian Government and are highly regulated.

